The care needs of the Calathea can be tricky, so it is important to pay attention to what your Prayer Plant is telling you that it needs! Signs of trouble can include:
Wilting or curling leaves caused by low humidity or drying out too much
Yellowing leaves or black stem (root rot) caused by overwatering
Leaf spots caused by a fungal infection or inadequate water
Continue reading to learn more about these signs of troubles, how to avoid, and how to treat them.
The Calathea likes distilled water. Most tap waters contain a large amount of salt and that can cause the leaves to spot or crisp. These plants do best with bottom watering so that they only absorb what they need. It is best to water this plant every 1-2 weeks depending on everyday climate such as the amount of sunlight and overall room temperature (i.e. the difference in Summer and Winter). If the plant does become overwatered or develop root rot there are a few steps that may help. Some of these troubleshooting steps are cutting the stem back to help the plant focus on regrowing from the bottom, removing the plant from its pot to release excess water, or completely repotting the plant with new, dry soil to help it adjust. In the case of leaf spots caused by a fungal infection, it is best to repot with new soil to help treat that infection, as well as, using a fungicidal treatment.
While sunlight is important for the Calathea, the leaves will burn easily if given too much bright light. It is important to provide filtered, indirect light. It does not appreciate a dark room unless it has a grow light to fulfill that need.
Thriving on humidity, it is important to incorporate into their everyday life. Without humidity, the Calathea can wilt, curl, or develop brown edges brown spots on the leaves. You can add humidity by keeping out a pebble tray, having it in a bathroom (shower steam), misting the leaves daily, or keeping a humidifier nearby. Often times if the plant has severely damaged leaves, it is best to cut those leaves off so your houseplant can focus on growing new leaves.
Fun Facts:
The common name "Prayer Plant" refers to the term of turning over a new leaf in that the Calathea leaves move with the sunlight
Completely safe to have around pets including our furry cats and dogs!
An adequate source of air purification and aides in removing toxic chemicals such as Benzene and Formaldehyde